What You Should Know About Dental Bridges

senior couple hug and smile after learning about dental bridges

The loss of even a few teeth impacts your life. You may feel self-conscious about your smile, have trouble chewing certain foods, or speak differently. Luckily, there are great tooth replacement options. Dental bridges are a popular choice.

What Is a Dental Bridge?

Dental bridges fill the gaps made by missing teeth. Before we place the bridge, dental crowns are placed on the natural teeth on either side of the gap. These stabilize the bridge. We then attach the bridge, which is a prosthesis with artificial, natural-looking teeth.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges restore your smile’s appearance and function! Unlike dental implants, they don’t require surgery. They also tend to be more affordable than dental implants. Compared to dentures, bridges are more stable and often feel and look more natural. When cared for, bridges can last around 15 years. One downside is that bridges don’t address the bone loss associated with missing teeth. Only implants do that.

How Do You Take Care of a Dental Bridge?

The natural teeth you have left support your bridge, so it’s essential to maintain great oral health. Brush twice a day, floss once a day, and keep up with routine cleanings and exams. You should also clean under your bridge. Avoid smoking and eating hard, sticky foods like hard candy and caramel.

How Much Does a Dental Bridge Cost?

The cost of a bridge depends on factors like how many teeth you’re missing and your oral health. We’ll customize a treatment plan and give you a cost estimate before we start work. At our office, we accept insurance. We also offer an in-house savers plan and flexible monthly payment plans.

Dental Bridges at Mission Hills Family Dental in San Marcos, CA

Tooth loss affects how you look, what you can eat, and more. Modern dentistry offers great tooth replacement options like dental bridges! If you’re missing one or multiple teeth in a row, dental bridges may be the perfect solution. Please contact us today if you have questions or want to schedule a consultation.

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