In this post, we explore what makes a great San Marcos family dentist and how to choose the right one for your crew.
Are My Silver Fillings Still Safe to Have?
In this post, explore whether silver fillings are still safe, when to replace them, and the benefits of modern tooth-colored alternatives.
Emergency Dental Kits: What You Should Have On Hand
In this post, learn what items you should have in your emergency dental kit and what to do during a dental emergency.
The Surprising Ways Stress Affects Your Teeth & Gums
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, stress can silently weave its way into our well-being, affecting our mental and oral health. When we don’t feel our best mentally, it can affect our oral health. Read our blog post for a look at some common ways that stress affects your oral health.
The Connection Between Allergies & Oral Health: Managing Symptoms
If you suffer from allergies, you know the discomfort that allergens bring. Sneezing, itchy eyes, and other symptoms are commonly associated with allergies, but did you know that allergies affect your oral health? Read our blog post to learn about the connection between allergies and oral health.
Understanding Different Types of Crowns
When you’re looking to restore your smile, you may find out that you need a dental crown. While your dentist will usually pick the crown that best suits your situation, it’s helpful to know what options are available to you and why. Read our blog post to learn about the different types of dental crowns.
Tobacco & Oral Health: The Impact of Smoking & Chewing
Tobacco use, whether through smoking or chewing, poses a significant threat to oral health. Whether you partake in these habits or know someone who does, it’s important to be aware of the impact it can have on your oral health. Read our blog post for details.
Dental Health & Osteoporosis: Understanding the Connection
Osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weakened bones, can have many effects on your health. One surprising area it impacts is your dental health. Read our blog post where we explore the connection between osteoporosis and oral health and discuss the importance of recognizing and managing this link.
What Should You Do If You Break an Invisalign Aligner?
Invisalign clear aligner trays are quite durable, but that doesn’t mean they can’t wind up broken. After all, accidents happen! If you break your Invisalign aligner, don’t worry. Read our blog post for steps to follow to rectify the situation and get your orthodontic treatment back on track.
Tips for Preventing Dental Emergencies During Summer Activities
The new school year is just around the corner, but thankfully there is still plenty of time to soak up some summer fun. But one thing that is not so fun is dealing with a dental emergency. Read our blog post for some tips to help you avoid making an unexpected trip to the dentist this summer.