Saving for Cosmetic Dental Care

Saving For Cosmetic Dental Care

Saving for Cosmetic Dental Care

Not feeling confident about your smile can be difficult, but depending on your insurance plan and other income factors, it may seem that a straighter or whiter smile is out of reach. Well, we’re here to help.

If you want to save up money for the smile of your dreams, here are some things to eliminate that can help you save for cosmetic dental care.

  • Sugary, Salty Junk Food: Eliminating extra snacks and junk food will save you money on your grocery bill. Don’t pick up extra desserts or snack foods, but instead go for the lean meats, low-fat dairy, fruits, and vegetables that scrub your teeth while you eat. To spend less of your weekly food budget, pack healthy lunches instead of going for fast food. Packed lunches cost about $4-10 less than eating out. You’ll save about $120 to $300 per month.
  • Tobacco: Cutting (or at least lessening) your tobacco use will help prevent any further and more serious oral health issues. Smoking and smokeless tobacco are very detrimental to your oral health, and in more than one way. At about $7 per pack of cigarettes, you could save $28 to $210 per month!
  • Daily Starbucks Runs: Coffee isn’t good for the enamel of your teeth, so stop going in for your daily (or hourly) “Cup of Joe”. Coffee causes the enamel of your teeth to erode, as well as deep staining. You’ll be happy you saved that daily $2 (or more) at Starbucks, even if the compromise is to just have less coffee and brew it at home instead. You’ll still save $60 per month!
  • Soda Pop: Another beverage that’s terrible for your teeth, soda can also erode the outer layer of your pearly whites and cause staining. Get rid of the soda. Drink water instead. It’ll save you another $2 per day, plus water is good for your teeth.
  • Cable: We know. At the end of a long day, sometimes just unwinding in front of you favorite episode of is all you want. But do you want that more than a permanently more confident smile? Of course not! Even if you pick up a new activity, there are tons of things that are fun, relaxing, and don’t cost much money. Get a library card and go peruse the aisles. Cable bills generally run at $100-250 per month, depending on your provider and number of channels.

Even after saving, we understand that paying for cosmetic services can be difficult. Check out our flexible financing options to get you the cosmetic care you need.

Contact us to see how Dr. Miller can give you the smile of your dreams from Mission Hills Family Dental!