Healthy Dental Habits to Bring into the New Year!

young couple brush their teeth together

Looking to improve your dental health? Kick-start the New Year with healthy habits for a brighter, cleaner smile. Here are 3 practical actions you can do starting today!

1. Brush & Floss the Proper Way

For optimal oral care and pearlier whites, there’s a technique to brushing and flossing that’s often forgotten. But when implemented, you might be surprised by how your gums are less sensitive, or you bleed less when flossing. Be sure to brush twice a day for at least two minutes using a soft-bristled brush. Using a soft-bristled brush will help you preserve your enamel, which protects you from temperature sensitivity and decay. Brushing at a 45-degree angle to your gum line will allow you to get the most out of each stroke. Don’t put too much pressure when brushing as it can erode away enamel.

The secret to avoiding inflamed and bleeding gums when flossing is to actually floss every day. Your gums are bleeding due to bacteria build-up. The more bacteria there is, the more inflamed your gums will be, so it’s key to floss at least once a day and get into those back areas of your teeth as well.

2. Adopt a Healthier Diet

Let’s face it, your mouth is a breeding ground for bacteria. What you eat will determine the bacteria in your mouth, and thus impact your dental health. To avoid cavities, gum disease, and other dental issues, consider limiting your consumption of sugary and acidic foods and beverages. All sugary things make it easy for cavities to develop, and acidic foods and drinks can contribute to enamel erosion and teeth wear. Eating more crunchy fruits and veggies has its benefits and it’s said to stimulate the production of saliva, which works as a type of natural mouthwash that cleans your mouth!

3. Keep Up with Routine Check-ups

The best gift you can give your teeth is keeping up with your routine 6-month visits to your dentist. At regular cleanings and exams, there are things that only a dental professional could do, like removing plaque in hard-to-reach areas or spotting dental issues that might not be visible to the layman’s eye. Taking preventive action by seeing your dentist regularly may save you more dental work and high costs down the line. At Mission Hills Family Dental, we’re focused on bringing quality care to our patients. We offer free exams to new patients to show our appreciation for entrusting us with your dental care. Contact us to learn more!

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